
Each of the Globcal International ambassadors have their own activities, interests and service that they each pursue and individually bring to the organization once they understand our development practice as their mutual support organization.

Ambassador Boban Jovanovic's Activities

Ambassador Jovanovic recently relocated from Malta to Macedonia pursuing his passion of diplomatic negotiation in support of a positive world-view, the move has afforded him the ability to work professionally as an ambassador and representative of Globcal International.

Discussing the Sustainable Development Goals

Ambassador Jovanovic meeting with Mayor Ace Kocevski of the City of Veles in Macedonia on November 02, 2018. They met to discuss the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)s and the city's plans for a sustainable future. The Mayor revealed their ideals of becoming a smart-city that depends in part on solar as alternative energy, electric public transportation, and ecologically sustainable projects with Veles Lake.

Two men at meeting seated at a desk.
Ambassador Boban Jovanovic meeting with Mayor Ace Kocevski in Veles, Macedonia.

St. Michael Commandery of OESB in Serbia

Frequently we are asked the question why do knights exist today? In our Order we all vow to make the world a better place, that is by helping those less fortunate based on the precepts of the lord Jesus Christ. Membership is by invitation only. It is made clear in the very beginning that there is no place for anyone seeking self glorification. We follow the Christian creed of helping those in need without difference of race, colour, religious beliefs and furthermore we do not consider ourselves above anyone else.

Three men dressed in their uniforms for the order of knights.
Boban Jovanovic, Adrian Bendeac and Kokan Dimushevski attending inaugural event in Serbia.

Networking at Important Conferences

Ambassador Boban Jovanovic is active in Europe attending functions such as conferences and events relative to the well-being of the European Union. He is an active protagonist concerned about the European Union, his country Serbia and the stability of peace throughout the region.

In November of 2018 he participated in Serbia at an international conference 'The Identity of Europe, Peace, Reconciliation and Justice in Europe' where he met with Archbishop Stanislav Hočevar; H.E. Sem Fabrizi, Ambassador of the EU Delegation to Serbia; and Prof. Darko Tanaskovic, PhD.

Two men posing for photograph.
Boban Jovanovic with Archbishop Stanislav Hočevar at European Identity Conference